I read a chinese newspaper that was publiced in Toronto. A report made me very angry. It said that some bad people wanted to burned the picture of charman Mao in TianAnMen which was the centre of Beijing, but the police prevented them in time. However, the bottom of the picture nevertheless was smoked. When I heard this news, I could not image it. I did not understand who would do this and why. I hope that the picture would be fixed immediately. Another bad news~~~~some people from Tanwan said something were really rude to China. I want to say: I hate those people sooooooooooooo much. They were disowming their motherland!!!!!! Whatever those people think (they are chinese or "taiwanese") Their action was terrible! You can not ignore what kind of language you speak and what kind of lineage you have. Like a Chinese idiom says: Chidren can never disown their mother. ~~~I do not know what I wnat to say, but I am sure that every chinese must have the same feeling like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!