I have got results of my mid-term exams. If I am optimistic, I will say that I am lucky. At least I passed all my exams...If I am negative, I probably say sadly that my marks are so low that I just can pass the exams....Whatever, mid-term has past, and I heart Scott talked about final exams taday. My god, can you believe the final exams are coming????It is ture. Maybe we won't worried about it in this week. But in next two weeks, it is really necessary to think about the final exams. We just have 13 weeks in this term, and now half of our term has gone...T T I know what i should do in the left half- term. Studying hard! Even though I can not improve a lot in six weeks, I can be better than the last half -term. I hope that marks in the following essay will be higher and higher, even just 1 point higher, that is a kind of progress. Constant dropping wears away a stone. Hopefully, in this way, I can really improve my English....
Screwed up!!